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  • Bettas should be kept in no less than 1 gallon of water, but they prefer tanks 2.5 gallons and larger.  This water should get a 10%-25% percent water change weekly. Any poos or uneaten food should be removed daily.  The water should be treated with a product such as Betta Safe, but larger tanks can be treated with with more traditional chemicals meant for them.

  • Bettas are tropical! They require a heat source. A good temperature range to keep them in is between 74-76 degrees fahrenheit.

  • Bettas are just like any other daylight creature.  They should have a light source for no less than 8 hours a day.  Never place the bowl or tank in direct sunlight.  It's not good for your fish and can cause bacterial and algae growths.

  • NEVER feed your betta flakes.  They are carnivorous and require high protein.  As fry, they are raised on live food.  As an adult, they prefer pellets.  Remember that your betta has a tiny stomach. They will only eat what they can handle and anything more needs removed immediately. They will not eat old food off the bottom of the tank.  Old food will rot. You can feed them one or two times a day. Around 3-5 pellets is sufficient. Overfeeding can cause constipation.

  • There are over the counter ways to treat a sick fish if caught early enough.  There is usually enough information on the internet to give you an idea of how to treat your betta, but if you have a veterinarian who specializes in aquatic animals I would recommend their council. 

  • Males must never be housed together.  They are territorial and another male would cause stress and in most cases, injury from fighting. If you intend to house males in the same tank, make sure the tank is an appropriate size and has proper dividers. The dividers should not be crystal clear as simply seeing another male can cause stress.

  • Females can live together! Females will establish a hierarchy so it is best to keep them in no less than groups of three.

  • Do not house males and females together.

  • Plastic plants are not recommended. They have sharp edges that can tear fins.  Use plants that are made with soft materials, or even live plants. Ensure your betta has places to hide.

  • Bettas do not like fast moving water.  Especially those with large/long fins.  Power filters are not recommended.  Low flow filters or filters that are driven with an air pump and flow controlled with a gang valve are best.  If you clean up poops and uneaten food daily and do water changes weekly, filtration may not be necessary. 

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